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Chintan Bawa

Gender-Forward Practises in Agri-Business: Gender-Inclusive Human Resource Management (Case Study 2)

Gender-Forward Practises in Agri-Business: Gender-Inclusive Human Resource Management (Case Study 2)
This thematic case study forms part of a series. Over the course of 11 months in 2020-2021, Value for Women engaged a number of Musikas private sector clients -businesses involved in the agricultural sector -with gender lens technical assistance. Musika is a Zambian non-profit company that works to stimulate private sector investment in smallholder agriculture markets. This case study series describes the strategies, impacts, and learnings that resulted from the technical assistance, with the purpose of facilitating greater ecosystem replication. We share a number of cost-effective entry points that can yield a significant impact.

This particular case study focuses on good practices for getting started with gender-inclusive human resource management.
Chintan Bawa
Chintan Bawa