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Value for Women

Influencing and Advocacy for Gender-Inclusive Climate-Smart Agriculture

Influencing and Advocacy for Gender-Inclusive Climate-Smart Agriculture
This Paper aims to contribute to a more enabling environment for gender-inclusive CSA. It is designed to help climate-smart SGABs move beyond their internal practices and focus on engaging in advocacy and influencing activities with external actors and stakeholders within the market/ecosystem. This document complements Value for Womens introductory Guide for agribusinesses entitled Gender Inclusion for Climate-Smart Agribusinesses: A practical framework for integrating gender in climate-smart agriculture for SGABs and is intended for SGABs keen on exploring how to engage with others to be more gender-inclusive and climate-smart. This document will help guide businesses on how to make connections with external organisations and stakeholders within their ecosystems in order to create an enabling environment for gender-inclusive CSA. This Series aims to support SGABs through a process of awareness and prioritisation; positioning and influencing in enabling environments; and piloting of strategies for gender inclusion in CSA.
Value for Women
Value for Women

Value for Women is a global advisory services firm with a mission to promote women’s participation and leadership in business, finance and investment around the globe, with a focus on emerging markets.