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Value for Women

Upcoming Report from UNwomen and Value for Women on Gender Lens Investing

Upcoming Report from UNwomen and Value for Women on Gender Lens Investing

UPDATE: The regional study mentioned in the blog below was published in July 2021 and can be accessed here

in Apr 2021, Value for Women and UN Women were developing a regional study on gender-lens investing as part of UN Women’s “WIN-WIN: Gender Equality is Good Business” programme”, funded by the European Union and co-implemented with the International Labour Organisation.

This study aims to identify gender lens investing benchmarks and best practices in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and highlight the work of leading investment funds in the region.

You’re invited to participate!

We are inviting Public Equity, Venture Capital Funds, Angels and other investors active in Latin America and the Caribbean to participate in the study, through a short survey (archived link), check out more information on this below.

What are the benefits of participating in this study?

  1. You will receive a tailored assessment report of your organisation’s practice in Gender Lens Investing (GLI), which is automatically generated.
  2. Your experience as an investor will be showcased in our regional LAC report*
  3. You will have an opportunity to spotlight your organisation’s good practices, initiatives and learnings.
  4. You can compare your practice through our upcoming GLI Benchmarksreport.
  5. You will receive the Regional Report to share with your networks and showcase what is being done by you and others in the region.

Want to learn more?

Come along to our event: Gender Lens Investing in LAC: Office Hours and Networking on May 12th at 9:00am EDT.

Please follow this link (archived) to confirm your attendance and participate in the discussion. We can’t wait to see you there!

How do I complete the survey?

If you want to participate, please follow the instructions below and respond to this email confirming your participation.

  1. Sign up to the Gender Smart Nexus. To take the survey you must first sign up and fill in your name, email and a password of your choice. You will find the “Investors” option already pre-selected in the sign up page, please don’t change your role or profile as this will prompt a pop up message to stay on this special group.
  2. After joining, click yes on “Confirm your group” pop up message. Once you fill in your name, email and password the system will ask you to “Confirm your group.” Click “Yes, sign up with this group” since this is a special link provided for participants of this study. Once you accept, the page will refresh automatically and take you to the login page; however, you can close this tab and verify your email as explained in the following step.
  3. Verify your email address. Upon sign up, you will receive a message with a confirmation link to verify your email. Please make sure to check your spam folder in case the message was filtered by your system. After clicking this verification link, you will be directed to your main page within the Gender Smart Nexus.

Complete the Gender Lens Investing Survey. Once in the system, you can start filling out your survey either by clicking on the “Take Survey” button on the main page or you can navigate to the “Survey” section on the menu and click on “Start Survey”. Your responses will be saved automatically so you could complete the survey at a later time if needed. To come back to the Gender Smart Nexus please login using the email and password set up on step 1 and go to the “Survey” section in the menu and continue filling out the survey from the list.

Deadline to complete the survey: May 31, 2021.

*No names or identifying information will be shared about specific businesses with the public, and VFW will protect data in compliance with the Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

What if I have questions about the report or the survey?

First, please don’t forget to sign up to our event and have the opportunity to go behind the scenes and speak directly with the Value for Women team about the report on May 12, 2021.

If you have other questions, we’d love to chat, just reach out to us here:

  1. Gender Smart Nexus (
  2. Erica Berthelsen (

Thank you and we can’t wait to hear from you!

Value for Women
Value for Women

Value for Women is a global advisory services firm with a mission to promote women’s participation and leadership in business, finance and investment around the globe, with a focus on emerging markets.