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Nicholas Colloff

Board of Directors, Member

Nicholas Colloff is a senior philanthropy practitioner with over two decades of experience as a social entrepreneur and leader driving the implementation of programmes that deliver systemic change in complex environments.

Nicholas serves as the Executive Director at the Argidius Foundation, which is focused on supporting enterprise development in Africa and Latin America as an approach to poverty reduction and inclusive growth. Prior to Argidius, he was Director of Strategy and Innovation at Oxfam GB and Regional Director of the global microfinance network Opportunity International in Eastern Europe.

A serial social entrepreneur, he formed part of the founding teams of a foundation focused on financial inclusion, two microfinance banks in Eastern Europe, the international mental health NGO ‘Basic Needs’, and the Prison Phoenix Trust - which teaches yoga and meditation to prison staff and inmates.

He studied philosophy and theology at the University of London. Outside of work, Nicholas is an avid reader, meditates, and loves art galleries, walking in forests, and swimming in lakes.

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Nicholas Colloff
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