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DOWNLOAD NOW: Latest Report on the Status of Gender Inclusion in the African Tech Ecosystem Click here

Aparajita Agrawal

Director of Development & Strategic Partnerships

Aparajita leads Value for Women’s overall strategy and partnership development efforts to devise new ways for organizations to adopt gender-inclusive practices. She brings two decades of experience in impact investing, social entrepreneurship, strategic partnerships and business development, with a focus on developing markets. She has strong leadership skills, and manages and works with multicultural and diverse teams with ease across organizational and industry hierarchies.

Previously, Aparajita worked as the India Director for the British Asian Trust, helping them set up their India office and assisting with a $12-million development impact bond in primary education. Aparajita was a founding team member at Intellecap where, among other responsibilities, she established and led the Sankalp Forum, the global impact investing convenor. She started her career at CARE India in microfinance and rural livelihoods. She is a management graduate from the Indian Institute of Forest Management.

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Aparajita Agrawal
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