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DOWNLOAD NOW: Latest Report on the Status of Gender Inclusion in the African Tech Ecosystem Click here

Daniela Moctezuma

Project Lead

Daniela is an international development professional with 15 years of global experience, six of them in gender and social inclusion. As a Gender and Business Specialist with Value for Women, she works with investors, capacity developers and small and medium enterprises in the agriculture, clean energy and financial sectors to improve their operations through applying a gender lens.

Her experience includes research spanning gender-lens investing in Latin America; gender and climate change work in Central America and the Caribbean, and understanding women's financial and non-financial needs in that region; and advising financial institutions in Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia and Dominica on developing value propositions for their women customers.

Daniela previously worked with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, where she conducted global comparative research on the influence of gender norms and agency in the adoption of agricultural innovations and natural resource management.

She holds a master’s degree from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and a bachelor’s degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

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Daniela Moctezuma
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