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JUST RELEASED: Leveling the Playing Field: New Data on Gaps and Opportunities for Women in Field Roles Click here

Our Work

We build individual leadership, equip businesses, and drive innovation through data & research.

We work across sectors, including clean energy, climate adaptation, agriculture and financial inclusion.

Our advisory services allow us to respond in a bespoke manner to the growing demands to integrate gender into business and investment strategies – and to help our partners achieve a greater impact on women. We amplify our impact by equipping global leaders with knowledge and connections to source, scale and sustain gender lens innovations in their fields. As well as by leveraging our learning to offer publicly available tools, knowledge and information to unlock greater opportunities for businesses, investors and others to have an impact on gender and social inclusion.

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What We Do

Delivering through advisory services, strategic initiatives, R&D and innovation, tools, platforms, and research, our work reflects a strong commitment to customization, practicality and innovation.

Build Individual Leadership

Equip and activate leaders who can transform business, investment and finance to be levers of gender & social inclusion across emerging markets. We do this by designing and delivering leadership programs together with strategic partners across regions and sectors.

Equip Organizations & Businesses

Equip businesses, investment firms, and financial institutions with the solutions, roadmaps, tools and support to adopt inclusive practices internally and in their offerings and to mobilize more finance toward women-led and gender-forward businesses.

Evidence and Research to Amplify Action

We develop new knowledge, insights, evidence and data and use this to motivate, inspire and drive momentum for gender and inclusion at scale. We raise awareness and drive momentum for the adoption of gender and social inclusion approaches.


Over the past 10 years we have supported over 2000 development finance institutions, investors, business support organizations, corporate foundations, enterprises, entrepreneurs, businesses of all sizes and many others to achieve their gender-inclusion goals.

Gender assessments provided to 550+ clients

Capacity building provided to 160+ businesses, investors, banks and accelerators

Wrote and contributed to 26 gender-specific publications

Undertook technical assistance in 15 countries across 5 regions

Read a selection of impact stories to see how gender-inclusion solutions can create change.


Our clients are our partners. We have been fortunate to work with a wide variety of organizations and individuals, including development finance institutions, investors, business support organizations, corporate foundations, enterprises, entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes.


Partner with Us

Get in touch to let us know more about your organization’s inclusion challenges and ambitions and to find out how we can support you on your journey to becoming more gender inclusive.