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Value for Women

Insights Issue 4 — Women Decision Makers: What Is Stopping Capital from Reaching Women Decision Makers in Emerging Market Finance?

Insights Issue 4: Women Decision Makers
Value for Women Insights Series: Women Decision Makers

How Can More Capital Reach Women Decision Makers in Emerging Markets?

In this brief, we look at the fact that too little funding is making it into the hands of women from emerging markets who are in private equity and venture capital, and how critical this is for both financial returns and social impact. We dive into why it is occurring– particularly the barriers to capital reaching local, diverse, women fund managers.

To move the needle, including women or trying to change women won’t do the trick, both structural change and improved investment practices are needed. We share our recommendations and tools for investors to do this.

This paper draws from interviews with over 100 experts, investors, enterprises, and enterprise intermediaries –primarily in emerging markets– as well dozens of publications, countless case studies, and our own work over the last decade at Value for Women.

Value for Women
Value for Women

Value for Women is a global advisory services firm with a mission to promote women’s participation and leadership in business, finance and investment around the globe, with a focus on emerging markets.